Get Involved

LEAD Foundation offers you various ways you can support its mission

You can be involved as a:
Lead Participant

Those who enlist are trained by the foundation.
Requirement: Possess a minimum of a secondary or high school level education and willingness to learn and be trained.

Lead Member

Those who subscribe to undergo mentoring in any of the four areas of focus of the foundation (Leadership, Expertise, Advocacy and Development)
Requirement: A lead participant who has completed a training program.

Lead Advocate

Those who actively supports or promotes the Foundation cause, by speaking out on its behalf and taking action in implementing the goals and objectives of the foundation.

Requirement: Must have completed a mentoring program with the foundation as a member.

Lead Mentor

Those who assist the foundation as a resource person to train participants or mentor members into becoming LEADs (Leaders, Experts, and Advocates for Development).
Requirement: A proven professional record of accomplishment or career success with integrity in a given field.

Lead Partner

These are Individuals, Groups or Organizations who support the foundation in providing financial or non-financial resources for advancing and expanding the work of the foundation.
Requirement: Alignment with the vision and values of the foundation.

Lead Ambassador

Those who have consistently promoted the work and mission of the foundation by helping to raise awareness and build support for our programs, using their status, public profile and networks. They have functioned as advocates, mentors and partners and have engaged or are willing to engage with the public on behalf of the foundation by attracting media attention and public recognition to the Foundation’s campaigns and activities.

Join us

Become a Volunteer with lead foundation

Organization relies on the support of dedicated volunteers like you to achieve our mission of empowering young people with the skills, knowledge, and resources they need to succeed in today’s fast-paced world.

To get started, please complete the form below. Once we receive your information, we’ll be in touch with you to discuss your interests and availability, and to answer any questions you may have about volunteering with us.

Volunteer Form

Fill in your correct details